Is Your Business Like a House with Cracks? How to Build Your Foundation to More Customers.

Is Your Business Like a House with Cracks? How to Build Your Foundation to More Customers.

Aug 28, 2024

5 min read

Seeing cracks in your business, or NOT seeing enough growth or income?

A business with no foundation is like a house with no slab or strong, supportive walls.

You can expect to see cracks over time, and the house can’t support itself, so it weakens and starts to crumble. It may take time, but the breakdown is inevitable.

Many business owners I see are so excited to jump into their business, thinking about how amazing their product or service framework is. They’re overjoyed to start talking about everything they have been thinking about for months (or years), and shout it from the rooftops for the world to hear.

The problem? No one cares about your business as much as you do.

It may sound harsh, but it’s true. They also don’t see all the work you’ve put in behind the scenes, and don’t have your level of excitement. They just want to know, what’s in it for them?

So you might have spent the last 3 months crafting a beautiful new product range, and think it’s the bees knees that everyone will want to buy. Or you might have spent the last 6 months creating an online course, or a top-notch service package that makes all the sense in the world to you. You know you have amazing information to share – but people will still ask, so why should I care? Why should I stop scrolling? Why should I give you 5 minutes of my precious time to read your website.

Yes, I’m being a little blunt here, but people are selfish, and they want answers or to be engaged FAST. We all have shorter and shorter attention spans these days.

So how do you make sure your foundation is strong, so you can support an influx of new customers, or even better, repeat buyers who LOVE what you offer, and SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS! Yes, repeat buyers are better than new customers. But that discussion is for another later issue.

Discover Your Ideal Client

What is an ideal client you may ask? Great question. Your ideal client is the perfect person you see your product or service being helpful or useful for. It’s your ideal buyer for what you’re offering. It’s who you’re selling to.

Selling to the masses doesn’t work – I teach this in my 7X Business Program. Stop trying to sell to everyone. You want to break down who you’re targeting. Think of things such as:

  • What is their background?
  • How old are they?
  • Where are they located?
  • What’s their income level?
  • What influences their decision-making process?
  • Where are they looking to buy?

There’s a lot more to getting into the detail of outlining who your ideal client is (join the 7X Program if this is something you want to learn more about), but for now, this is the general idea.

Next you want to think about 2 very important factors…

What are their pain points/problems?
What are their aspirations? (e.g. what do they want/dream of)

If you understand your product or service you’re offering REALLY well, then identifying pain points of the person you’re trying to target should be easy for you. If this isn’t an immediate thought for you, I suggest you spend some more time really getting to know your product, why it matters, how it helps people, etc.

Understanding people’s aspirations? This is where effective research comes in. Listen to what people have to say. Get feedback on your products. See what the market is demanding. Where are there gaps in the market, and does what you offer fill that gap? If yes, then you’re onto a winner.

Strike up conversations, network, talk about what you do every single day. That’s what social media is for. Sharing. Talk about you, talk about why you do what you do. Tell stories.

If your product or your business is fairly new, give away some test samples or give some free bookings away, in exchange for feedback. Feedback is so valuable, and it could really help you with your direction. You don’t want to waste time on things that aren’t what people are wanting.

Create Content Tailored to Pain & Aspiration

Targeting specific people, with a specific pain point, and then providing a solution to that problem, is selling and conversion in a nutshell.
You can create so many variations of content from one paint point, or one aspiration.

Let’s look at a service provider, such as a Naturopath.

PAIN POINT - A mother who has a child with allergies, and food intolerances. It’s tough on the mum. Its harder for the child who just wants to eat what ever she wants. But can’t.

ASPIRATION – The child experiences less tummy aches and enjoys food more. The mother sees a more content happy child. She worries less. She has less stress from the support and treatment the Naturopath has provided her child.

From this, you can create lots of different angles of content. By singling out a particular person – a mother with a small child – as the ideal client, we are able to be very specific with how we talk about the benefits of seeing a Naturopath. We can paint a picture of the outcomes, and how this can better her life and make things easier for the whole family. Now just rinses and repeat for different angles, or different examples.

I’m sure you can now see how working on the foundation of your business, doing some research, and really understanding your product or service, and also your ideal audience you want to attract, means clearer content that is engaging. Get this right and you’re going to create content that resonates deeply with the exact follower you want for your business. People will start to feel like you’re talking to THEM! This breeds trust, then conversion.

Your Actions From This: Write down 2-3 characteristics of your ideal customer - their pain points and aspirations. Then create 2-3 pieces of content that address them. Post them on your socials this week.

If you’re right at the start of your business, and you feel you need some direction with building your foundation, and business basics in general, I recommend taking a look at my Roadmap.

Good luck building that foundation. It will pay off and you’ll see over time a much more sturdy ‘house’. Until next time...




  1. ROADMAP TO MORE CLIENTS - Join hundreds of clients who now STAND OUT in the crowd, and have become SORT AFTER. No more chasing clients the next sale - have them find you! Many years of marketing expertise jammed into one simple to read guide - with FREE Audiobook.
  2. 7X BUSINESS PROGRAM - Transform your business in just 7 weeks with my flagship course. Elevate your brand, master your marketing, scale your business to the next level. It's time to see consistency, it's time for you to remove the overwhelm. Become found. Become sort after.
  3. WATCH MY MASTERCLASS - 5 Secrets to Attract More Customers & Convert to Buyers. The key to a thriving business. After 16 years in marketing, I unveil all my experience and teach you what converts leads to buyers.